I shall exclude my departure from KLIA as I would prefer it to remain personal. Instead, I will tell you a little about my SIX BLOODY HOURS of transit in Dubai airport. "Why Dubai?" you may ask. Well, it's simply because our choice of airline to take us to London was Emirates, which places all it's passengers in Dubai for the oddest number of hours they can think of.
But seriously, it's an open secret that Dubai is a filthy rich country; and that is probably what allows its people to be so unbelievably kitchy in their decor. I mean come on, there are UFO's and artificial palm trees within their airport!
If only they would have consulted me prior to incorporating such bizzare features into the frontlines of their country, I would have better advised them to invest the money instead on real, living greens in order to add a little more colour to the actual landscape. However, as they did not do so, this is the image that greets all travellers when flying over this famous, oil-rich country.
Now compare that to an aerial shot of London!
Oh, and speaking of London, that post's coming up in due time, so bear with me!
Funny. The Pepsi can actually says 'BIBSI'..
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