Sunday, June 04, 2006


One Day you're on top of the world - everything is perfect, better than you ever hoped it could be. You finally feel like you've found your niche in the world. One day.

A day later you feel like Atlas, with the weight of the world on your shoulders, except you're worse off - the world on your shoulders isn't everyone's planet Earth, it's the world you created for yourself, believing that it was all yours to be had, you built, and you built, constructing a multitude of ideals made out of all that had ever rang true for you about Life, Love, Laughter, Friends, Family.. Yourself. And once your Day has passed, you realise that all you had construed for yourself was set in a with a foundation that was as stable as a multileveled Jenga tower - and in one thoughtless moment, you pulled the single piece from the bottom, and it all comes raining down on you like an ice cold shower of Sprite.

And you question yourself. You question everything you believed in. All because one belief you'd always held firm had been shattered. So you wonder.. are you still who you were? Have you lost your identity? There's no certainty - all you can do is try to rebuild yourself. And hope.


yun said...

If chocolate were a vegetable I'd be fat, fat, fat ....

galnexdor said...

deep deep...hahaha

..melanie.. said...


i found out from karen that you had some issues with vegetables..

EXCELLENT! i've found another kindred spirit..

patutla you gobbled chicken in OB oni..